Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Can Be Rough

(Not so good Monday)

After a long weekend, I sometimes find it difficult to pull myself together on Monday morning. I drag myself out of bed and think "Oh Lord, I just want to curl up in my bed and add another day to my weekend." The truth is, however, that God created rest (aka Sunday) not only so that we could reflect on Him but also to rejuvenate us for the work to come. So now we can say with joy, "Thank you, Lord, for giving me the rest I need. What do you have for me to do today that will help others and glorify Your name?" If I find myself craving more and more and MORE rest, I have to ask myself - am I doing too much and not honoring God with my rest so He can rejuvenate me? More times than not, the answer is yes. This week think about the work that needs to be done and how you can schedule your Sunday Sabbath rest in so that next Monday you can wake with joy and thanksgiving in your heart!

(Joy in the morning!)

1 comment:

  1. Well said, and if Sun. doesn't allow you the rest you crave - Mom2Mom is a great place to get rest and be rejunvenated! Join us starting Sept.21 9-11!
