Monday, September 12, 2011

A True Mom to Mom Experience

Matthew 25:40 "...Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

My husband and I recently took a trip to Las Vegas. He had been there before on business, but it was my first Vegas experience. Frankly, I was a little bit nervous. Neither of us drink. Neither of us gamble. So really, what's left? A LOT! I think it's something everyone should see once in a lifetime. The lights, the shows, the beautiful hotels, the breathtaking Bellagio fountain... and the people watching. After just one day there I told Adam that I think Vegas is such an interesting representation of the American people. At 28, I couldn't quite figure out if I was too old for the place or too young. College kids were there doing things their parents would never approve of, and the senior citizens were burning their hard-earned money left and right. But somewhere in the middle, there were people just like us. 

I could have spent my entire vacation praying over Sin City, and deep down I think I did. Regardless of what people were doing, I couldn't help but look at them and wonder what their circumstances were, if they knew Jesus, if the Church was holding them up or letting them down, if one smile or kind word from me was all the Jesus they had seen that day. As we passed by the many homeless people outside Caesar's Palace, I saw a pregnant woman sitting with a sign asking for food. I had just left my 9 month old baby home in very capable grandparent hands for the first time, and my soul just ached. We were on our way to dinner, and I just couldn't get her out of my mind. Adam and I decided we would bring her something to eat on the way back. With food in hand, we walked back to where she was sitting. My heart sank deep into my toes and a lump went into my throat. She was already gone. We decided to just keep walking and ask God to lead us to the person who really needed that food. After all, there were countless people on the street who needed it.

Just from a tug in my heart, we decided to walk a different way back to our hotel that night. We turned a corner, and there was Brandi. This woman was sitting all alone by the street with her five month old son and an Enfamil can. I wanted to shout, "Hallelujah!!!" Clearly, she was the right person. I stooped down to her level and asked if she wanted the food. She turned to her son and said, "Look, we have dinner from the nice lady." She told me their names. I said how beautiful her son was, even though he looked as though he hadn't seen a bath for a while. I told her that we would be praying for her, and she thanked us and said she needed it. As we walked away, I just lost it and wept the whole way back to our room.

As a mom, I am blessed to have what I need to care for my children. As a Christian, I am blessed to give to others what God has graciously given to me. As a child of God, I am blessed to be cradled in the arms of the Father when I am most needy. Tonight, I hope Brandi feels the same.

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